A New Model for Decision Making

Navigating Generative AI for Better Decision Making with Kevin Hanegan

When you think of data, do you think of complex charts and dashboards, things that are best left up to the experts to decipher? Kevin Hanegan is a data literacy expert and author of Turning Data into Wisdom: How We Can Collaborate with Data to Change Ourselves, Our Organizations, and Even the World.

A Data-Informed Decision Making Process

Turning Data Into Wisdom

In Turning Data into Wisdom, you will discover the following:

Turning Data into Wisdom: How We Can Collaborate with Data to Change Ourselves, Our Organizations, and Even the World presents a 6-phase, 12-step process to help those at all levels of an organization use their knowledge, skills, and experience to make data-informed decisions that can help transform their companies - and sometimes, even the world. The many real-life examples and case studies as well as tools, definitions, and templates will help you feel equipped and empowered to understand, seek out, and discuss data with others, ultimately using this information to make the best decisions for your business and the people it serves.

Data Literacy In Practice

In Data Literacy In Practice, you will discover the following:

Data Literacy in Practice is a comprehensive guide that will build your understanding of data literacy basics, and accelerate your journey to independently uncovering insights with best practices, practical models and real-world examples.